Donegal tragedy: statement of Archbishop Dermot Farrell

10 Oct 2022

Over the weekend, along with people all over Ireland and these islands, I watched with deepening sadness and loss the unfolding events in Creeslough. This tragedy is of huge proportions, not only for the closely-knit community of Creeslough, but for the whole of Ireland.  The words of Saint Paul ring true: ‘the life and death of each of us has its influence on others.” (Romans 14:7)

On my own behalf, and on behalf of the Archdiocese of Dublin, I offer my sympathy to the community in Creeslough, and to the wider community in Co Donegal upon your loss. No words can make sense or explain a tragedy as numbing as yours. In moments such as this when we can only stand in solidarity with each other. I wish to assure you of a place in my prayer, and in the prayer of the parishes and people of Dublin in these tremendously difficult days, and in the weeks and months ahead. May our Lord who knew tragedy, loss, and death from the inside be your consolation and your strength. May his presence among you, and within you, carry you and give you the strength to carry each other (see Matt 11:28–29).

+Dermot Farrell

Archbishop of Dublin