You or a representative are invited to attend the Accord anniversary gathering – Cruinniú – which will take place tomorrow. The theme of the event is ‘What Makes People Tick?’. Details are as follows:
Where Aula Maxima in Saint Patricks College, Maynooth, Co Kidare.
When 9.00am until 6.00pm.
In attendance Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop Noel Treanor, Bishop Michael Router, Accord director Mr Tony Shanahan, staff, facilitators, councillors and clergy who work for Accord.
During the Cruinniú, the results of a new survey will be presented by Amárach Research which has measured the contemporary attitudes towards marriage and relationships.
Over the past sixty years the Accord organisation, throughout the island of Ireland has helped engaged couples preparing for marriage to deepen their understanding of the sacrament and give them some very practical help and advice to navigate the unique and shared journey that is married life. Accord also supports couples when difficulties and challenges arise in their relationship by providing professional counselling and support. These two services of the Accord organisation, marriage preparation and marriage counselling, have contributed immensely to the lives of so many people and to the betterment of our society.
Notes for Editors
- To access photos of the Accord Cruinniú for media publication, please contact: John McElroy +353 (0) 87 2416985.
- Please see the Accord Cruinniú programme below:
MC Anne Fitzpatrick, Centre Chairperson, Navan
9.00: Registration with Tea/Coffee.
9.30: Conference Opening – Tony Shanahan, Executive Director, Accord CLG.
9.40: Amárach Research into Couple Relationships. Alison Flannery, Research Director presents findings commissioned by Accord.
10.00: Barbara Duff – Our Sexual Selves.
10.20: Presentation by Father Brian Kavanagh, National Marriage Appeal Tribunal and Accord Counsellor.
10.40: Keynote Speaker. Presentation by Jim Fitzpatrick.
11.05: Tea/Coffee Break – Pugin Hall. Announcement of Winner of 6 Word Story Competition.
11.30: Moderator – Julie Ryan. Panel Discussion: Jim Fitzpatrick, Barbara Duff, Father Brian Kavanagh, Brenda Drumm.
12.30: Lunch in Pugin Hall.
13.30: Celebration of Jubilee Mass, College Chapel of St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
Principal Celebrant Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Ossory and President of Accord CLG.
14.30: Accord Graduation Ceremony, College Chapel.
15.30: Garden Party in Pugin Hall.
18.00: Thank you for being here, Safe Home.
For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long +353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Lisa Sheridan +353 (0) 86 084 3175.
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