Diocese of Limerick welcomes the appointment of Father Martin Hayes as Bishop of Kilmore

29 Jun 2020

The Diocese of Limerick offers its warmest congratulations to Father Martin Hayes on his nomination as Bishop of Kilmore. It is a particular joy for the diocese because, as a young man, Father Martin studied in Limerick and was quite involved in the diocesan youth faith movement, Muintearas Íosa and came to know many other young people and priests of the diocese such as Fathers Micheál Liston, John O’Shea and Michael Wall. We are grateful that Muintearas Íosa which aims to keep the three flames of Fáilte (welcome), Foghlaim (learning) and Guí (prayer) alive among young people, helped Father Martin along his faith journey at an important time in his life.

He can be assured of our prayers as he continues his faith-filled journey among the people of the Diocese of Kilmore. Speaking on behalf of the current members of Muintearas Íosa, Aoife Walsh has offered Bishop-elect Martin Hayes a sincere comhgháirdeas, wishing him all the best in his new role, adding, “we are delighted to see him passing on the flame and we hope that he will inspire new generations of young people through his ministry in Kilmore.”


For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long +353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Brenda Drumm +353 (0) 87 310 4444.