Statement by Bishop Cullinan on attack on Tega Agberhiere

05 May 2019

The horrific and shocking attack on a teenager Tega Agberhiere and two friends this week has impacted on every person of goodwill in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore and throughout Ireland.

After the chemical substance was splashed into his eyes he thought he would never be able to see again. Thank God he is improving and can now see in both eyes. We send him and his colleagues our prayers and best wishes.

This cowardly act of throwing a corrosive substance into the face of another human being and running away is in stark contrast to the very dignified and brave response of Tega’s mother Christy who expressed the wish that: “We want to stay in a safe community. We want to stay in a safe Waterford. We want to stay in a safe Ireland as a whole.”

Our society must embrace Christy’s plea. It must be the wish of the whole community to live in peace and goodwill.

The command of the Lord Jesus is clear;

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength… and your neighbour as yourself.’    (Mark 12:30-31)

Hopefully those who perpetrated this awful act will be brought to justice. May we all try to live in peace with our neighbour and do what we can to build up rather than tear down.

On the day of the attack Tega had been studying for his Leaving Cert exam. We wish him and all those preparing for exams every good wish and success.


For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long 00353 (0) 86 172 7678