Bishop Crean urges support for cyclone relief efforts in Africa

25 Mar 2019

Bishop William Crean of Cloyne has called for support for Trócaire’s Lenten campaign in order to bring relief to people affected by Cyclone Idai in southern Africa.

Bishop Crean, who is Chair of Trócaire, the overseas development agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said: “The scenes of devastation in southern Africa following Cyclone Idai are frightening in their impact.  Our hearts go out to the millions who have lost loved ones, homes or livelihoods as a result of this terrible disaster.

“We pray for the people of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe who have been affected by Cyclone Idai.

“Trócaire is responding to this crisis in all three countries.  As well as providing immediate humanitarian relief, Trócaire will work with communities over the months and years ahead as they rebuild their lives.

“The immediate needs are huge, but the long-term implications of this disaster are very worrying.  Crops have been destroyed, which will lead to serious food shortages in the months ahead.

“As Chair of Trócaire, I urge people to support Trócaire’s ongoing Lenten Appeal.  Donations to Trócaire during Lent will go towards providing short-term relief and long-term security to people affected by Cyclone Idai, as well as to millions of more victims facing similar crises around the world.

“Lent is a time for giving and sacrifice.  The terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters in southern Africa as a result of Cyclone Idai cries out for a generous response on our part.”  


For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long +353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Katie Crosby +353 (0) 86 862 3298