Archbishop Eamon Martin asks for prayers of support for Northern Ireland politicians engaged in peace talks

08 Apr 2017

Tomorrow, as we begin Holy Week, I am conscious that this is a critical time in the peace process. Our politicians continue to seek a breakthrough at the talks in Stormont. I encourage everyone to pray this Holy Week that the talks will be guided by wisdom, courage, right judgement, and a spirit of cooperation and compromise. Today I offer the following prayer which was written by Rev Cecil Kerr during some of the worst years of the Troubles, a prayer which we hoped would never have to be used again. I encourage all to pray for peace this week:

A Prayer for Ireland

Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the way of peace.
Come into the brokenness of this land
With your healing love.

Help us to be willing to bow before you
In true repentance,
And to bow to one another
In true forgiveness.

By the fire of your Holy Spirit
Melt our hard hearts and consume
The pride and prejudice
Which separate us from each other.

Fill us, O Lord with your perfect love
Which casts out fear
And bind us together in that unity
Which you share with the Father
And the Holy Spirit forever.



· Archbishop Eamon Martin is Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland.

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