Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, has published a Pastoral Letter entitled Come to the table, to coincide with the conclusion of Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly. The Pastoral Letter was launched at a special liturgy at 2.30pm in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles, on Sunday 20 November.
In his Pastoral Letter Archbishop O’Reilly says, “It is now over a year and a half since I took up my appointment here in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly. Over that time, I have had the opportunity to visit all the parishes of the Archdiocese – mainly for the administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation but also for different celebrations and gatherings around special days in the life of parishes or around the Year of Mercy celebrated on a Deanery basis.
I would like to express my thanks to Archbishop Clifford, the priests, people and religious of the Archdiocese – who have welcomed me from the announcement of my appointment in November 2014. I greatly appreciate the warm welcome that you continue to extend to me.
In my homily at my installation, in February 2015, I stated that the Motto I had chosen for my ministry was “Your Word is Truth” (John 17:17) and that an important part of my ministry would be to promote the biblical apostolate at all levels throughout the Archdiocese. Personally, I have been blessed to have been able to study the Sacred Scriptures beyond what is the normal course of studies in theology while I trained for the missionary priesthood. As a result, I found great joy and satisfaction in the ministry of teaching in the Seminary of SS. Peter and Paul in Ibadan, Nigeria. My years of teaching those preparing for the priesthood gave me an insight into how important it is that all our learning should serve the deeper appreciation and love for the Word of God – a treasure given to us but which, at times, we can “park out of sight”. The manner in which the Bible is loved and read by so many people in the church in Africa has also inspired me.
As we begin this new pastoral year in the life of the Church in our Archdiocese – schools and colleges are now reopened and the rhythm of life takes up again. I wish to issue an invitation to all to join me on a journey – a journey of discovery for some and a journey of rediscovery for many, of getting to know the Bible better. On this journey we will aim to place the Sacred Scriptures at the centre of our lives, at home, in the parish, at school and in the wider world where we live and work.”
The pastoral letter is available in text and audio format. Click here to listen to the audio recording of Archbishop Kieran’s Pastoral Letter, his invitation to the lay faithful to ‘Come to the table’ and to read the Bible with the hope of encountering God and coming to understand Jesus in a new way.
To access the pastoral in PDF please click here archbishop-kieran-oreilly-pastoral-letter.