For a Peaceful Twelfth 2013, Respectful Of All

09 Jul 2013

For a Peaceful Twelfth 2013, Respectful Of All

Just three weeks ago, under the gaze of the world, Northern Ireland and its citizens received the G8 summit and they showed their ability to hold together divergent views in a peaceful and orderly way that respected public order.

The Twelfth of July now approaches.  It is our hope that it will be celebrated in a way that respects peace, diversity of traditions, the rights of different communities and that it paves a way for neighbourly and respectful celebration of difference.

We commend the efforts of all those groups who have taken part in talks to achieve these aims. We regret that these talks seem not to have yet borne fruit. We commend all those who had the courage to take part in them.

Dialogue is the only way to build a future for our society and for our young people.  Confrontation is contrary to the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who promote confrontation and destruction, either directly or indirectly, have nothing to offer for the future.  The way to the future is the path of dialogue and real engagement with our neighbours.

We invite our parish communities to pray for all those who seek to promote peace, respect and good neighbourliness.

We encourage all, especially young people, to follow and support those community leaders, police and civil authorities who undertake to foster and protect the good of all.

+ Noel Treanor

+ Anthony Farquhar

+ Donal McKeown

9 July 2013