Since the 22 May 2013 the Catholic Communications Office has been circulating a weekly bulletin for parishioners, parish newsletters and websites with information promoting the Church’s position on the sanctity of unborn human life. The newsletter headings are as follows:
- Church Teaching
- Abortion Legislation
- Prayer for the Child in the Womb
- Quotes for the Week
- Choose Life Website
Issue 3, dated 6 June 2013, is now available in the following formats:
PDF version Choose Life 2013 newsletter Issue 3 – 6 June 2013
Word version Choose Life 2013 newsletter Issue 3 – 6 June 2013
GIF version – see below
To avail of Cura’s crisis pregnancy support service see or call 1850 622626.
All queries in relation to these newsletters should be forwarded to the Catholic Communications Office , Maynooth –