Statement by the Council for Education Primary Schools Patronage

12 Dec 2012

Statement by the Council for Education of the Irish Episcopal Conference on the publication of the Report on pilot surveys regarding parental preferences on primary schools patronage by the Department of Education and Skills.

 We note the publication of the Report on pilot surveys regarding parental preferences on primary schools patronage by the Department of Education and Skills.

The survey provides significant affirmation of Catholic schools. In looking to the future it is clear that a very large number of parents wish to have their children educated in Catholic schools.

The main aim of the survey was to identify the level of interest in additional forms of patronage in areas of stable population. In each of the five areas the survey identified the actual number of parents who would prefer additional forms of patronage. Those who expressed an opinion in favour of change amounts in each case to between five and eight per cent of parents.

While the survey reflects accurately the views of those who participated, it must be noted that a large majority of parents did not take part in the survey.

In looking to the future Catholic patrons will need to consult with all stakeholders in Catholic schools as they seek to reconfigure the system to take account of the minority of parents who desire a change in patronage.


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