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As part of the Year for Priests , the Bishops of Ireland have arranged a visit of the Relics of St John Vianney to Ireland from 25 – 29 April. Full details and background information available here. |
Video footage from the visit (part I Cork and Dublin, part II Knock and Armagh) |
[videoplayer]St. Vianney P1 Cork-Dublin.flv|Get Online|relics_video_still_part_1.jpg [/videoplayer] |
[videoplayer]St. Vianney P2 Knock-Armagh.flv|Get Online|relics_video_still_part_2.jpg[/videoplayer] |
View slideshow of images of the visit of the Relics to Armagh Cathedral …View slideshow of images from arrival of Relics in Cork and welcome Mass … |
Introduction from Bishop Philip Boyce
![]() Bishop Philip Boyce OCD |
The Year for Priests, which began on the Feast of the Sacred Heart 19 June 2009, is a call to renewal and conversion. Pope Benedict XVI has expressed his hope that the Year for Priests will support the faithfulness and holiness of priests, and deepen their commitment to ‘interior renewal for the sake of a more forceful and incisive witness to the Gospel in today’s world’.
The Year for Priests is an opportunity for the whole Church to seek a holier and renewed priesthood. The shameful acts that have come to light in recent times have caused much scandal and distress. The Year, therefore, offers laity and priests a chance to become truly a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God’s own’ that St Peter talks about in his Letter.
This Year for Priests was declared so as to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the death of the Curé of Ars, St John Mary Vianney, patron of parish priests worldwide. He was a humble and sincere priest who carried out his ministry in the spiritual decline following on the French Revolution. He lived a life of service, penance and prayer, transforming his parish and making it a centre of pilgrimage and healing.
It is in this context that the Bishops of Ireland have arranged a visit of the Relics of the Curé of Ars to our country. We welcome these sacred relics and pray that this visit will offer all of us an occasion to renew the priesthood in Ireland.
May the visit of his relics to Cork, Dublin, Knock and Armagh be moments of grace and renewal for priests and people.
Bishop Philip Boyce OCD
Bishop of Raphoe, Chairman of Episcopal Commission for Clergy
Video interview
[videoplayer]Fr_Tom_Norris.flv|Get Online|rev_prof_tom_norris.jpg[/videoplayer] |
Programme for the Visit of the Relics to Ireland
Download brochure with full details and background information … |
CORK • Sunday, 25 April 2010
St Francis Church, Liberty Street
Theme: Vocations to the Priesthood
Every priest, every consecrated person, faithful to his or her vocation, radiates the joy of serving Christ and draws all Christians to respond to the universal call to holiness.
Pope Benedict XVI, Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations (2010)
DUBLIN • Monday, 26 April 2010
Church of St John Vianney, Ardlea
Theme: Social Outreach of the Curé of Ars
…he regularly visited the sick and families, organised popular missions and patronal feasts, collected and managed funds for charitable and missionary works, embellished and furnished his parish church, cared for the orphans and teachers of the Providence (an institute he founded); provided for the education of children; founded confraternities and enlisted lay persons to work at his side.
Pope Benedict XVI, Letter Proclaiming the Year for Priests, 2009
KNOCK • Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock
Theme: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
St John Vianney
ARMAGH • Wednesday, 28 April 2010
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh
Theme: The Eucharist and Pastoral Leadership
Consequently, the nature and mission of the ministerial priesthood cannot be defined except through this multiple and rich interconnection of relationships which arise from the Blessed Trinity and are prolonged in the communion of the Church, as a sign and instrument of Christ, of communion with God and of the unity of all humanity.
About the Year for Priests
- The Year for Priests was declared by Pope Benedict XVI and began on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday 19 June 2009 – a day traditionally devoted to prayer for the sanctification of the clergy – and will finish on 11 June 2010.
- The Pope inaugurated the Year by presiding at Vespers in St Peter’s Basilica where the relics of the Curé of Ars were brought for the occasion by Bishop Guy Bagnard of Belley-Ars, France.
- The Year for Priests is meant to deepen the commitment of all priests to interior renewal for the sake of a stronger and more incisive witness to the Gospel in today’s world.
- ‘The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus’, was an expression of St John Vianney.
For further information on the Year for Priests both in Ireland and internationally see www.catholicbishops.ie and www.annussacerdotalis.org