22 January 2010
Down and Connor Diocesan Collection for the People of Haiti
Many people continue to wander the streets, having lost family members, friends and homes, in search of essential resources such as food, water and shelter. Hospitals continue to treat to the injuries of those affected but are also in urgent need of medical resources.
To respond to this need, each parish in the Diocese of Down and Connor will be taking up a special collection at the Masses on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st January 2010. The proceeds of the collection will be forwarded to Trócaire, the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.
Trócaire is already responding to this disaster providing medical supplies, shelter, water and other necessities and this is possible because Trócaire has worked in Haiti with local people and organisations for 20 years.
Additionally, Trócaire is a member of the Caritas Internationalis network, the umbrella group of Catholic development agencies. It is primarily through this network that Trócaire will be distributing its aid, which will go to those most in need.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by this earthquake, especially those who have died, those left injured and those coming to terms with losing family members and friends. We also remember in our prayers those providing emergency assistance and medical treatment to the injured and displaced as they begin to rebuild their lives.
Further information:
Fr Edward McGee, Media Liaison Officer, Down and Connor Diocese
Tel mobile: +44 (0)78 111 44268
E-Mail: [email protected]