23 Nov 2008
The journey of the Irish Synodal Pathway during 2025 will be approached through the stance of “Hope,” which reflects the spirit of the Jubilee Year in the Universal Church. In spring 2025, diocesan and parish gatherings will bring people together to review the themes that emerged from listening in Ireland and identify priorities for action to be considered at future Synodal Assemblies. This video is is a resource for prayer and catechesis on the Christian understanding of hope to accompany the spring gatherings and for wider use in general.
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Journey Together in Hope
This month, Pope Francis shares his personal vocation story: "When I was 17… I wasn’t thinking at all of being a priest. But one day, I went into the church…and God was there, waiting for me!” The Pope Video for February - produced by his Worldwide Prayer Network in collaboration with Vatican Media and The Archdiocese of Los Angeles. https://www.popesprayer.va/ The Pope Video: https://thepopevideo.org/ www.vaticannews.va/en The Archdiocese of Los Angeles: https://lacatholics.org/
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For Vocations – Pope's Prayer Intention - February 2025
Bishop Michael Router reflects on the theme for the 33rd World Day of the Sick Pope Francis “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5) but strengthens us in times of trial.‘
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Message for the 33rd World Day for the Sick (11th Feb 2025)
Archbishop Eamon Martin, Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, and Archbishop John McDowell, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh reflect together on the theme for this year's Week of Prayer of Christian Unity - 'Do you believe this?'
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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025
As we embark on this Jubilee year, Pope Francis reminds us of an urgent need: the right to education for all children and youth. ************************************************************** Pope Francis - “Today we’re experiencing an “educational catastrophe.” This is no exaggeration. Due to wars, migration, and poverty, some 250 million boys and girls lack education. All children and youth have the right to go to school, regardless of their immigration status. Education is a hope for everyone – it can save migrants and refugees from discrimination, criminal networks, and exploitation…. So many minors are exploited! It can help them integrate into the communities who host them. Education opens the doors to a better future. In this way, migrants and refugees can contribute to society, either in their new country or in their country of origin, should they decide to return. And let’s never forget that whoever welcomes the foreigner, welcomes Jesus Christ. Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a more human world, might always be respected.” **************************************** By the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostolate of Prayer and the Eucharistic Youth Movement): https://www.popesprayer.va/ The Pope Video: https://thepopevideo.org/ ****************************************
For the right to an education - Pope's Prayer Intention - January 2025
Fr Paul Finnerty, Rector of the Irish College in Rome, on the invitation for people to come to Rome during the Jubilee Year as pilgrims of hope and to follow the tradition of passing through the Holy Doors in the Papal Basilicas.
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Pilgrims of Hope - The Jubilee Year of 2025
An in-depth interview with Archbishop John Kennedy, Secretary for Discipline at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Archbishop John shares with us his vocation story, how he came to work in the Vatican and the challenge of leading the Discipline office that deals with cases of the abuse of minors by clergy, which he calls 'the worse of the worst'.
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Every Suffering of the Church is Yours
Seamus Mulconry, Sec Gen of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association, calls for equal capitation funding for Primary and Post-Primary schools.
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Cherish all the children of the nation equally
Seamus Mulconry details the range of services provided by the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association which includes training and advocacy and their helpline which handles 16,000+ calls a year. More info - https://www.cpsma.ie/
CPSMA - Serving Catholic Primary Schools
Michael Kelly discusses 'Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2022-24' produced by Aid to the Church in Need which highlights the reality that Christian persecution has significantly worsened globally.
'Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2022-24'
Julieann Moran reflects on the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality in Rome and how the Final Document provides a roadmap for a Synodal Church with training and formation as the primary objective. Julieann Moran is the Gen. Sec. of the Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland. for more info - https://synod.ie/
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A roadmap for a Synodal Church
Bishop Brendan Leahy gives an in-depth review of the Synod on Synodality, his experience in Rome, the final document, what reforms should not follow on and what lies ahead for the Synodal Pathway for the Irish Church.
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Reviewing the Synod on Synodality - Bishop Brendan Leahy
Alan Hynes, CEO of the Catholic Education Partnership, discusses with Wendy what defines a Catholic school and the call for divesting more schools from Catholic patronage.
'What defines a Catholic School?'
A 30 min talk by Jesse Rogers (St Patrick's College, Maynooth) which offers many insights into 'God's ways of being with children and children's ways of being with God'. Jesse also invites the teacher to see how classrooms can become a mutual exchange of blessing and can lead to a spiritual renewal for the teacher. This talk was commissioned and made available by Elphin Diocese.
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'The Teacher and the Spiritual Life of Children'
Commissioner Drew Harris talks to Wendy on the CAPTIVES programme, about the work of An Garda Síochána in regard to preventing human trafficking and how people can play their part. CAPTIVES is produced by Act to Prevent Trafficking (APT) and includes a four part series for Post-Primary Students. Series 2 coming soon.
Preventing Human Trafficking - Commissioner Drew Harris
Ronan Mullen joins Wendy in studio to discuss the proposals before the Oireachtas to legalise assisted dying and the moral and ethical implications of State sanctioned suicide. Senator Mullen urges people to raise their objections with their politicians as we face into an election. The Irish Catholic Bishops Conference have voiced their opposition and have called on TDs to reject the recommendations to Government from the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying to legalise assisted dying. The Irish Bishops are also calling for greater State investment in palliative care.
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No lives are not worth living - Ronan Mullen
Bishop Brendan Leahy says that the Final Document from the #SynodonSynodality will greatly assist the Synodal Pathway - Ireland
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The GREEN light to proceed ....
Julieann Moran reflects with Fr Bill on the historic moment when Pope Francis formally approved the Final Document as official teaching for a #Synodal Church and how it will now guide the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland ... more reports to follow ... #synodonsynodality
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Synod on Synodality Concludes
He Loved Us - Dilexit Nos ... Bishop Brendan Leahy shares a reflection of the new encyclical from Pope Francis which invites the wounded world 'to regain the most important and necessary thing of all: its heart.'
Dilexit Nos - Bishop Leahy on new Encyclical from Pope Francis
Pope Francis has called a Jubilee Year for 2025 with the the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope'. Bishop Brendan Leahy reflects on the tradition of the Jubilee Year which brings millions of pilgrims to Rome.
Jubilee of Hope 2025 - Bishop Brendan Leahy
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