Praying in a Time of Sickness

01 Sep 2008

Text of prayer booklet

Pope John Paul II

Dear Brothers and Sisters who suffer in body or in spirit, to you I express my heartfel hope that you will learn to recognise and welcome the Lord who calls you to be witnesses to the Gospel of suffering, by looking with trust and love upon the Face of Christ Crucified (cf. Novo Millennio Ineunte, 16) and by uniting your sufferings to his.

A Chaplains Prayer

We pray, Lord, that your message may more and more enlighten our lives so that in our friendships and hopes, our dreams and our work we may become more like you, and so spread, wherever we go, your light of love, laughter, healing and care.

Help us to be in touch with our own frailty, helplessness, doubts, and fears, so that we may be sensitive to the