Archbishop Seán Brady welcomes the appointment of Archbishop Mario Conti

15 Jan 2002

Archbishop Seán Brady welcomes the appointment of Archbishop Mario Conti as Archbishop of Glasgow

I warmly congratulate Bishop Conti on his appointment as Archbishop of Glasgow and successor to Cardinal Winning. His great qualities of heart and intellect endear him to all who know and work with him, but most especially to those under his pastoral care.

The bonds between Ireland and Scotland, and not least between our Churches, are great. Bishop Conti himself is a frequent visitor to this island, especially to Northern Ireland. He has worked closely with member of the Irish Episcopal Conference in the promotion of ecumenism and in the study of bio-ethics. He is co-chairman of the Joint Working Group of the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity which met in Dromantine, Co Down, last May. He addressed the annual Ecumencial Conference at Greenhills, Drogheda, last January on the theme, The necessity of the Churches working together in the 21st Century. We look forward to his continued commitment to ecumenical dialogue on these islands.

The Irish Bishops join with me in wishing Archbishop-Elect Conti every grace and blessing in his ministry in Glasgow, a city and diocese with which the Church in Ireland is proud to hold very strong and cherished links.

+ Sean Brady
15 January 2002


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Catholic Communications Office (01) 601 6700
Fr Martin Clarke 087 220 8044
Ms Brenda Drumm 087 233 7797